Lyublen Village


The village of Lyublin, is set in a valley, 25km away from Popovo.

The village is a real beauty. 


The village has three shops a bar and a Post Office.

There is a lake in the village, for all those keen fisherman, and also a bigger lake a short drive away in the next village of Sadina. 


There are many British already invested in the village, and the people of Lyublin are happy to see their village growing. There are 4 families there fulltime and others that come in the summer and the holidays to the village.

The village has a nursery school, where you can find a British girl already attending, and learning the language.


This village is perfect if you love waking up to the sound of nature and if you love walking, hiking, or just to relax with the breeze on your face.

The village is a mixture of Turkish and Bulgarians and there is both a mosque and a church in the village. The two religions live side by side and share day to day life together. The village is very safe and crime is unheard of. I had a holiday rental in the village for 8 years and nothing was ever touched. The people in this village are really amazing.



Lyublin is 25 km from popovo
175 km from Varna
85 km from Veliko Tarnovo
 55 km from Targovishte

323 km from Sofia
50 km from Ruse


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